+2348028106080, +2348038909194 contact@ntumoha.com



Ntum Oha organized the 7th edition of her annual lecture and frank talk series on the 5th day of January 2008, and the following communiqué is issued to summarize the proceedings.                                 


 The theme of the lectures was “Infrastructural Development in Abiriba, establishment and Maintenance: Case Study of water and Electricity Projects” The last electricity supply to Abiriba Community by the National Electric Power Authority, (now Power Holding Company of Nigeria) dates more than One (1) year ago while the last water supply to Abiriba by the government is more than Ten (10) years old. Ntum Oha, therefore, considered it was necessary to bring together, stakeholders and the Abiriba public to discuss and attempt to salvage the seemingly hopeless situation.


 1. Dr. Ezikpe Nma Agbagha – Chairman

2. Engr. (Elder) Agbai N. Agbai (F.N.S.E) – Lecture 1

3. Engr. Hon. Prince George N. Kalu, (former Comm. For Works Abia State – Lecturer 2

4. Mr. Chekwas Nkpa (President Ntum Oha)



Electricity project in Abiriba started in February 1965, was stopped temporarily because of the Nigerian Civil War and was finally completed and commissioned in 1972, about Thirty Six (36) years ago.
Abiriba today has a bulk transformer of about 7.5MVA capacity today. This can serve the community for the next 2 or 3 decades, but distribution transformers are not enough.
Abiriba Community has been without electricity supply for more than 12 months. This is because high tension electricity lines bringing electricity to Abiriba from Umuahial, were vandalized, also a heavy rain-storm pulled gown some high tension electric poles, destroyed some low tension networks and sub-stations.
Restoration of electricity supply to Abiriba will require; replacement of vandalized high tension lines and rehabilitation of existing substations.
Relief transformers of 500KVA capacity, should be acquired and installed at the sub-stations of; Amanta Ukpo, Oruanta, Okagwe-Agboji, and Round-about (Abankpughuru).



Abiriba water project was built in November 1965 and commissioned in February 1966.

Lack of water supply to Abiriba was caused by a combination of factors; Abiriba erosion menaces which breakage of water pipelines; Breakdown of the Sumo pump, (this pump later fell into the borehole.

The Federal Government, in attempt to restore water supply to Abiriba, approved the construction of a mega water scheme for Abiriba. But this project died when the facilitator, Engr. Lekwauwa, an indigene of Abiriba, died.


There is need to re-organize, re-invigorate and re-empower the Abiriba Communal Improvement Union, A.C.I.U., to articulate and present Abiriba developmental issues to government.

All stakeholders, especially those, whose past actions or inactions has affected Abiriba adversely are encouraged to turn a new leaf for the sake of posterity.

The audience desired a quick restoration of Electricity supplies to Abiriba, say within the first quarter of 2008 while water supplies can be restored later in the year.

Engr. (Elder) Agbai N. Agbai was charged with the responsibility of leading the struggle to restore.electricity to Abiriba while Chief Johnson Agwu Ndukwo (already heading an A.C.I.U. committee on water) was charged with the responsibility of spearheading the restoration of water supplies to Abiriba.

Engr. Hon. Prince G. N. Kalu will liaise with government on these and other matters affecting Abiriba.


Abiriba people are known for their self help initiatives. The infrastructures in Abiriba, more than 80%, was established and built through self help efforts of the Abiriba Community and handed over to government. A few years later, those beautiful establishments handed over to government are found in a state of disrepair. In the future, when projects are handed over to government, it will therefore be necessary that the A.C.I.U. will merely step aside and watch how government manages the projects.

However, with the huge contributions from the self help efforts of Abiriba people, it will only be fair to demand that government should place a top-priority tag on and execute with dispatch any developmental demand from Abiriba. This will assist in convincing the Abiriba people that government is aware of their self help efforts.


 Ntum Oha wishes to thank: The Chairman, Dr. Ezikpe Nmah, for his expert coordination and timely summaries; The Lecturers, Engr. (Elder) Agbai N. Agbai and Engr. Hon. Prince George N. Kalu for their research into the root causes of the electricity and Water supply problems in Abiriba; The audience for their precious time spent listening to the lectures and the frank–talk.

The 8th edition of the annual lectures and frank-talk will hold on the 3rd day of January, 2009, at the Erinma Town Hall, Abiriba. You are invited to attend and please be punctual, 12.00 noon N.O.T (Ntum Oha Time).                                                                                         

God bless you.


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 Mr. Chekwas Mkpa                                                                              Elder Samuel A. Okoji
President Ntum Oha                                                                     Chairman Annual Lectures 2007 



Ntum Oha organised an annual lecture and frank talk for 2003 on 1st day of January 2004, and the following communiqué is issued to summarise the proceedings.                                       


The theme of the lectures was ‘Professionals in Community Development – The Abiriba Experience’. It was designed to x-ray the height of academic and professional developments in Abiriba and to check whether the entrance of professionals onto the center stage has enhanced or marred progress in Abiriba. 

Can we showcase any physical, psychological or philosophical structures instituted and/or managed by these professionals both at home and in diaspora for any sustainable development in Abiriba? 


1. Dr.Ezikpe Nma (Chairman)

2. Dr. Nma Ogozi (Resource person)

3. Magistrate Onuma (Resource person)

4. Dr. Chijioke Urum (Resource person)

5. Prof. M. A. .Mkpa (Abia State Commissioner for Educatio-Guest speaker)

6. Engr.Agwu E.Okoji (President Ntum Oha)


Dr.Nma Ogozi’s Lecture can be described as history superlative; an audit on “Ukpaghari” and, according to the Guest speaker, a master piece, articulate and informative and carrying a challenge. (See the attachment). He also commended Prof. Mkpa for assisting Abiriba students to secure University admission and also for attracting a Modern Computer Center to Egwuena Girls’ Secondary School, Abiriba.

Magistrate Onuma on his part showed an indept academic work. According to him, “we are in the age of facts and data, and only those well armed with requisite information can produce results”. The man who is well informed can change things. Abiriba should recognize individual and group efforts and contributions. These appreciations will create impetus for growth.

Dr.Chijioke Urum on health. HIV/AIDS statistics in sub-sahara Africa is alarming more so with the high level of ignorance. Africa as a whole is in big trouble. Indigenes of Abiriba in the U.S.A. are worried about the number of deaths at home. To curb this alarming death rate Dr. Chijioke advocated a change in sexual behavioral pattern among the natives.

Prof. M. Mkpa commended the efforts of Ntum Oha at bringing people of diverse status together to think and proffer solutions on problems of common interest as an important machinery of development in Abiriba. He stressed that; the reference names mentioned by Dr. Nma Ogozi in his presentation should not be seen as a catalogue of who is who in Abiriba. Continuing, he commended Magistrate Onuma for his personal achievements despite the ugly conditions of his early school days. We must look inward if we must salvage the community. Prof. noted that the level of alcohol consumption in Abiriba is very high and if this level can be reduced by 50% and the savings diverted to other arrears of need, we will achieve more positive results. To occupy a fair of the civil service, our young graduates should be encouraged to take up appointments in the government and public sectors of the economy. Abiriba people in positions of authority should see this as their responsibility.


 1. The youth like to know what Ntum Oha is doing in order to give them the right direction and the community a base of life.

 2. The status quo as does exist in Abiriba presently is disappointing and the men of honor have gone to sleep leaving the community to die naturally.                                                                         


1. Ntum Oha acknowledges that many things have gone wrong in the community and there is hardly anyone to look up to. But Ntum Oha is positioning herself to serve.

2. Policies on health, education and politics for the people must be right for all aspects of their life to work well. This shall come when quality and purposeful leaders/representatives offer themselves. Efforts should be made to bring favorable conditions and situations that allow good leaders to emerge.

3. The free medical care given by A.C.I.U. North Africa annually is not enough as it cannot manage medical /health cases throughout the year. Ntum Oha desires to work with relevant groups and persons to improve health care services in Abiriba.

4. Education from Ntum Oha’s viewpoint is the worst affected in the society and requires the attention of all. Government, School proprietors, Age grades and other interest parties should lend helping hands.

5. A directory of Abiriba graduates is in production. It catalogs human resources and potentials available to us should there be opportunities. Graduates are required to fill out coupons or send their particulars to Ntum Oha by post or e-mail.


Ntum Oha wishes to thank: the chairman, Dr. Ezikpe Nma, for his expert coordination and timely summaries; the resource persons for their wonderful and inspirational lectures; other attendees for their precious time spent listening to the lectures and frank talk. Special mention must be made of, Prof. M. A. Mkpa, the guest speaker, who found time amidst his tight schedule to attend.

2004 edition will hold on 25th day of December, 2004, at the Erinma Town Hall, Abiriba. You are invited to attend and please be punctual, 12.00 noon (Ntum Oha Time).  

God Bless you.

………………………                                                               ……………………                  President                                                                                    Secretary 

Engr. A. E. Okoji                                                                     Engr. Ogbuja Ireke