+2348028106080, +2348038909194 contact@ntumoha.com

Community Health Program

Free Medical Mission


In line with her goal of advocating and working to promote the health needs of the people of  Abiriba in the face of the collapse of the health system, Ntum Oha began a regular free medical mission to the community.

Maiden Mission

The maiden edition of the mission took place on 21st November, 2004. The medical team, made up of a medical doctor, a pharmacist, and other medical volunteers arrived the Akahaba General Hospital at 10.15am to have a brief meeting with the medical doctor in charge of the hospital.

Consultation of patients started promptly. A total of 52 patients were in attendance in the hospital. Presenting medical conditions included; Malaria, Hypertension, Anaemia, Chronic lung disease, Haematuria (passage of blood in urine), Eye problems, etc. All the patients were treated free for their medical conditions.

The team, however, could not cope with the large number of patients present, due to shortage of medical personnel. Consequently the day’s program came to an end at about 3.45pm.

Second Mission

The second mission took place on the 25th December, 2004, at the Erinma Hall, Abiriba, venue of the Ntum Oha annual lecture and Frank Talk for 2004. The medical program took place simultaneously with the lecture. Patients presented for consultation were treated for Malaria, Respiratory tract infections, Hypertension, Arthritis, etc.

Future Missions

The medical needs and problems of the aged and children in Abiriba are fast becoming pernicious. Transcending from the lack funds for medical treatment to the total collapse of the existing public health care facilities in the community, there is growing need for major medical intervention missions. This, therefore, makes it naturally imperative that we upgrade the capacity of our mission. This upgrade will attract additional financial and fiscal responsibilities that will require adequate planning.


In view of the increasing number of patients and the intention of Ntum Oha to create awareness on the available services, there is an urgent need to expand the capacity of the mission by increasing the number of personnel and the quantity of drugs to be dispensed to the patients.