Nov 14, 2019 | News
The 2nd edition of the Annual Spelling Bee and Quiz competitions held at Abiriba on the 7th June 2019. It is the 20th Anniversary edition which had 10 schools represented by 3 students each participate.
Ms Ebueme Favour Nnanna from St Peter’s Academy became the winner of the contest, while the duo of Ms Amadi Lebechi Otisi and Agwu Precious Sunday both from Egwuena Girls Secondary School came second and third respectively.
Materials such as Mathematical sets, Ntum Oha-branded school bags, Ntum Oha-branded exercise books, writing pens and text books with work books were distributed to the participating students.
The Spelling Bee and Quiz Competition are part of Ntum Oha’s Education Advancement Project (EAP).
Nov 14, 2019 | News
The Integrated Medical Centre, championed by ACIU North America was opened for business to meet the health need of Abiriba people on the 1st September 2019. It is situated within the Akahaba Hospital complex, Abiriba.
Nov 14, 2019 | News
The December calendar has been released, duly signed by the Enachioken-in-Council.
Nov 14, 2019 | News
The planting of almost extinct but popular NTUM tree in Abiriba. The tree produces the very sweet NTUM fruit which Ntum Oha derives it’s name from.
Nov 14, 2019 | News
The opening of Ikeja branch of Dover Hotels Ltd took place on the 28th December 2019.
Barr Jackson Agbai Abbah, CEO, Dover Hotels added to his establishment as it launched its new building on in a well attended event at 14 Aromire Street, off Allen Avenue. An imposing structure with grandly decorated interior, the new Dover is not undeserving of 5-star rating.
Nov 14, 2019 | News
Enuda University, the first community university will soon be established.
The university is set to kick off with five faculties, namely; Education, Medical/Laboratory Sciences, Law, Nursing and Environmental Sciences/Survey. Social Sciences will be added after its kick off as registration is still on-going with the Nigeria University Commission (N.U.C).
The take sites are Enuda High School and Egwuena Girls Secondary School premises while the permanent site will be at Oroni.
Ameke Isi Ogo Iso will be the host community.
Expected take off period is next year.